Our Introduction

High Quality IT Solutions for Startup

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Manage Tech Services

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Internal Networking

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Our Services Area

OutSystems Partnership

Headfitted excels in seamlessly integrating cutting-edge low-code solutions into your digital journey. Our commitment to innovation ensures high speed and showcasing expertise in leveraging the OutSystems platform for client success.

Top Low-Code Expertise

We are masters of low-code, equipped with highly skilled expertise in OutSystems platform. We possess web developers with varied domain expertise including web, mobile, architecture, security, and much more.

Success Across Industries

Headfitted Solutions dedicated focus is reflected in our proven track record across diverse sectors ranging from banking and insurance to manufacturing, logistics, transportation, retail, and education.

Customer-Centric Approach

At the heart of our solutions is an unwavering commitment to our clients. We prioritize our client’s unique requirements, ensuring that every aspect of our services delivering value to their business.

100% Agile Methodologies

We thrive in a dynamic environment, adapting swiftly to changes and challenges. Our approach ensures that we deliver results with efficiency and speed, allowing your projects to evolve seamlessly with your business.

Action-Oriented Learnings

Action-oriented learning help building real-world skills with every lesson. It takes task-based learning to a level where the class and the outside world are integrated in genuine communicative practices.
Tech management

The Best Source for IT Solutions

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We’re doing the right thing.
The right way

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Professional IT technology services you can trust

Our team expert

Meet Professionals

Jannie Friis Kristensen

Head, Strategic Consulting
Jannie Friis Kristensen

Mikkel Thormod

Co-Founder & Managing Director
Mikkel Thormod

Meghana Mandhare

Business Development Manager

Keerti Gupta

HR Head
Our feedbacks

What They’re Talking About Company

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